I loved your pumpkins. They are so cute! :) All of them are very original and creative! I am emailing way late today because this morning I had to go to the dentist....:( I am grateful I have them but at the same time...the news they always tell me seems to not be so great! I have to get another root canal on my other front tooth. Dr. Lecheminant told me that the other tooth that he did seems to be healing well but that my other one isn't looking so hot. It hasn't been feeling super hot either, so that explains why. He said he believes the nerve is totally dead. He is going to take care of it next Monday. He said he would just use the rest of what is on my insurance for the year and then they would cover the rest. He is so nice.
A busy week is what we had and what we have ahead. It is time again for zone meeting. I thought we just barely had it. A few great things happened this week. We had zone meeting and it was great! I love all the things I learn. I got to see sister chapel. She is so neat! I love her a lot. She gives good mom hugs too. I told her that we had to take a picture just in case we weren't able to take one later. You can see my new shoes in it too! Heavenly Father totally loves me because of His awesomeness in finding those shoes! :)
We went to the S. Family's home. I taught the girls piano and then after we were talking to Hermana Aurora and her husband Vladamir. They are such a wonderful family! We were asking him about his feelings about the church and God. He expressed some things and at the end we bore our testimonies and they said that we could begin teaching them the lessons and that we could continue coming. I am really excited.
We finally got back in with Timeteo and Rosa. He has read and studied a lot. He has some super intense and in depth questions. I have learned a lot as I have studied for him and rosa these last few days. I can imagine the awesome Sunday school teacher he will be once he converts! :)
A really awesome experience happened to us while we were on exchanges. Hermana Draper was here visiting with me and we had only one appointment that was scheduled the whole day. We had a lot of time to make lots of great contacts. It was a great day and we found some new investigators and new potentials to teach but we had plans to go visit this other family and I felt reminded of a thought i had received the night before. We went over to visit the Cantu Family. Erma was leaving right as we were walking up. She invited us to come in. We talked with her and then Eli came in. He is 16 and so sweet! We were just visiting with them and then we shared the message. Erma opened up a ton to us and she told us of a bunch of things she felt she was struggling with. Eli went to say something and then stopped. I asked him what he was going to say and then he opened up and began talking to us. It was so special. We committed them to reading and praying. Eli was very determined and said..Yes, I promise I'll read every day. When we were leaving they were really happy that we came. I felt so bad because I gave Erma a big hug and then Eli with arms wide open comes to hug me and I just blurt out..."AHHH I can't hug you!" :D He just looked at me really confused with his arms still out, I said "you are a boy and a big boy. I can't hug boys. I know you are little and like my brother but you are too big." I felt so awkward. I mean I am already awkward as it is and then dump on that 14+ months of missionary awkwardness! haha :) I think i might have made him feel bad but I told him I loved him and that when I came back to houston I would give him a hug! haha It always happens to me. I just get all weird when things like that happen and it is just funny afterward. It was a special little miracle that they opened up to us and then said they would read! Love them.
Well, I know it has been another week but I still love my little life here in Houston Texas. I still love being called "misionera" and "hermanita". I still love the hyspanic culture and all the people i am teaching. I still love tacos, arroz y frijolitos. I still love the scriptures and the gospel more than ever. I still love the mission and all the things I am learning. I still love PB & Js. But most of all I STILL LOVE YOU ALL TONS! :) and I still miss you as well.
Keep doing what you know to be right and true. Do things that will make you happy and are the most important in the eternal perspective. Keep reading the scriptures. In the meantime, i will keep being me in Houston and finding the tens of thousands and helping them accept this wonderful gospel.
Remember who you are and to whom you belong to.
<3 <3 <3 Hermana Rife <3 <3 <3
Ps. Thanks so much for sending those shirts. You are sooo sweet! Best. Ever. Sorry for not being specific. Love you all. have a great week!
"Cute Sister Chapel" and Kynsie
Not sure who this wonderful lady is in the mission but Kynsie tells us that she HAD to get a picture with her at this zone conference ...just in case she didn't have another chance to get one with her. (That must mean she is coming home soon and that means I am getting super excited! :D ) Kynsie also added that she gives good Mom hugs!!!
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