Tuesday, August 6, 2013

me amo mi mision mucho! :)

Helllooo over there! 

It sounds like you all had another wonderful week full of fun and memories. I am glad jessica's wedding went well. Thanks for sending me the pictures. She looked soooo beautiful! :) I wish I could have been there but I know that I am here and doing marvelous! I am glad you were all safe at girls camp too. Kendra is getting all country! Does she still want me to buy her a hat here? She had said something but it looks like she found one....it is probably better cause then i won't have to ship it. I hope the boys have a great week at scout camp. I received tanner's letter and he told me he was going. Have fun but BE SAFE!!!

This week went faster than the last one. I still feel like I have been serving in bear creek for a long time though. I sure like it here though. I really am learning a lot from Hermana knappen. She is so sweet! We had one of the coolest lessons this week. It was seriously awesome.

The hermana's before me knocked into this guy named Wilmer. He is the treasurer of this other non-denominational church. He is so cool. 25 years old. They only talked to him once and then we put a note on his door and tried him again. He called us and set up an appointment. On wednesday we went and visited him. I was asking him some questions about himself to get to know him more and then he said what is your story. I told him a bit of why I am on a mission and I was able to bear my testimony about the atonement and about Jesus Christ. It was really special to be able to share it in that setting. Hermana Knappen did the same. We asked him why he was interested in hearing what we have to teach? He told us that he didn't really know much about our church and then when the hermanas knocked on his door, an interest sparked. 

He told us how he had some questions because he had been doing some research. Of course it was from anti websites and youtube but its okay. We were able to direct him to Mormon.org and find some answers to his questions and explain about what we believe about the set up of Christ's church. He was really listening intently and he found that we had a lot of reason. I have been trying really hard to study the bible and learn it better because basically I still don't know hardly anything about it but before my mission....lets just not go there about my knowledge. :)  Oh wait...it is cause there is nothing to discuss because i knew NADA! Anyways, so I was able to show him a lot of stuff in the bible and it just made me smile because Heavenly Father was helping remember where stuff was in the bible and the book of mormon that I had been studying and I felt the spirit just directing me to different things. it was really neat. Then we continued talking and I felt to ask him to be baptized. I was like WHAT? he is sooo not ready for this. I felt it again just ask him to be baptized. So I said, Wilmer, If you came to know that these things are true through the Holy Ghost, would you be baptized and become a member of the church of Jesus Christ? He, without thinking said, Yes, if the Holy Ghost tells me I will do anything. He said who knows you could be right, I could too but I am willing to see what you all have to say.

He committed to reading the book of mormon and he is going to look and study mormon.org. it was just really cool that he was able to be so accepting. I thought it was such a cool lesson. :)

Ana - is SOOO solid. She will be baptized the 11th of August. The hermanas met her on the 16th of July and met with her 1 time. We have met with her ever since and soo that is less than a month and she is so prepared to be baptized. We talked with her about the interview questions yesterday and she was just all full of smiles and said she is so ready to be baptized. She is so sweet. I love her so much. She studies and her prayers are beautiful and fervent. She understands the scriptures and does her best to apply them. Yesterday, I was talking to her and we haven't even talked to her about fasting. She told me Hermana Rife, "today, I am fasting."  I think it was her first time. She said, I have been doing it all day and I brought this little water just in case I get sick. She said I only drank a little sip and that is all I have drank. She was so excited to tell me that she was fasting. It shocked me, I was really touched that she is that dedicated! I am so grateful for the chance I have to know her. It truly helps me to remember that there are 10's of 1000s ready to receive this gospel. Ana is a miracle and a testimony of this. :) 

Carlos received the holy ghost yesterday. He was told that he was going to be a strong missionary and instrument for his family. He was told that he would convert his family through his example! He couldn't wipe the smile from his face either. During the week, we stopped by a few times and he was telling us about all the things he was studying in the book of mormon and the books that he was given at his baptism. He is dedicated! He also was telling us about his pueblo because I guess where he lives is on a rancho and so it doesn't have a lot of technology. He said he rides a bull. hahaha I thought it was so funny. I told him that hermana knappen rides bears. He was like WHAT? seriously? she didn't understand what I said and just shook her head and said yeah....I just started laughing. :D It was funny, after I told him it was a joke. 

I love spanish. I love the culture. I love the language. I LOVE the food. I love it. I told hermana knappen last night. I have a little problem. I want to marry a hispanic or someone that speaks really good spanish, never want to go back to an english ward, want to teach my children spanish, and enjoy the hispanic culture for the rest of my life. I am pretty obsessed. Just a warning.

Yay! I hit a year on the mission. We celebrated and ate indian food. First time in a year. It was FANTASTIC! yummmmmy. I also went on exchanges with hermana hale. She is so sweet. I learned a lot from here. I feel like we had a good exchange. We had a bomb lesson with a member and this guy Omero is going to get baptized. We also did a church tour and the spirit was super strong. 

Life is so good. I love it. Sorry this email is so long. It probably is boring to ya'll so hopefully it won't be too bad to read. 

I love this gospel. I know it is true. I know that God and Jesus love us sooo much. When we follow the plan we will find true happiness. Make sure you stand in holy places, at all times. 

"Whether your Holy Places are geographic or moments in time, they are equally sacred and have incredible strengthening power." - ann dibb.

LOVE YOU ALLL!!!! off finding the tens of thousands. remember who you are and to whom you belong too. be good. live strong. and love lots. 

hermana k. rife

Hermana Rife with Ana and Hermana Knappen

At Zone Conference with Elders Cheney and Valdez

Celebrating her year mark with Indian!  :)  
12 months down...6 to go!!!

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